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Old 03-27-2012, 12:46 PM   #221
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: "the high up north"
Posts: 6,127
I'm not convinced that gun ownership specifically causes lower crime in Vermont. In fact I would argue that the high popularity of hunting causes unnecessary accidental firearms injury or death... but that's irrelevant to gun control issues specifically I think. I think that there is a correlation between the high gun ownership and the culture of vermont, which is what more broadly contributes to the very low violent crime rates in the state. Much more important is the fact that the rural communities that make up most of vermont's population are so small that everyone knows everyone, and so violent crime is almost only committed between people who know eachother - where tighter gun control wouldn't help. Vermont is a state with perfect conditions for Vermont Carry to be safe. I wouldn't support Vermont Carry in, say, Maryland, or New Jersey, or any other densely-populated state, or any big, crime-ridden city, to be honest.
not really back, you didn't see me, i was never here shhhhhh
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