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Old 02-18-2004, 04:44 PM   #33
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
our family and friends do not know about's easy to tell you guys, because i can just turn the computer off, and you're gone forever...
i THOUGHT arsen banged eva because he said he 'WITH" her right before me. what he meant was that she was his girlfriend...he didn't bang her. but he did lose his virginity to some other girl who he says "had a fat ass" and he didn't really care about. so, i am his second, and he didn't screw eva.

how the fuck am i controlling him? yes, i stumbled upon an e-mail message, because he left his account open. i saw a line that said "re: grupa dupa" and i was like "what is grupa dupa?" INNOCENT CURIOSITY....and after i saw him agreeing to have drinks with some girl, you are damn right i'm going to see what's going on with my husband.

it was HIS idea to make up that "agreement contract" and sign it. it was HIS idea to take me with him always when he goes out. he WANTS to do anything to save the the fuck am i controlling him???????

sorry, but i am the one who was hurt and betrayed. i have never been anything but kind to him...supporting him when he was in between jobs, cooking for him everyday, waiting on the dock when his ship pulled in - with cookies and tears in my eyes...
i always trusted him until now. he used to go over his friend's house and drink with all the guys a few times a week all summer, and i had NO PROBLEM with that! i never read his e-mail before, even though i've had the password for months....don't come down on me like that. i am no "insipid vacuum"..i have my own job, my own hobbies, my own life. i am the one who sends off all the bills - on time- every month. i do the grocery shopping, lists, meal planning, 1/2 of the household cleaning, i pay 1/2 of the rent, utilities, car payment, insurance, gas, and i pay ALL of it if he doesn't have the money. i am no fucking insipid vacuum, and i am not controlling him.
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