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Old 04-03-2012, 02:35 PM   #2947
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Diz is still sicking up beebles, but keeping down other food.
From tomorrow morning feeding him cooked chicken as an experiment. Sainsbury's Basics chicken that is.
He'll love that; the only issue will be how quick he scarfs it down - if he throws it up, will it be because of a stomach problem or because he's bolted it?

Anyway, trying chicken because that's what the vet suggested for Mia.
She's not sick in the same way as Diz (that would set off massive alarm bells) but is slow, lethargic, uninterested in food. Vet thinks it might be liver failure, but she is 17 and Diz is 6. And she's not barfing.

He threw up on the windowsill today. Nice.
Well, not too bad, it's the first time out of my room and the first time I've had anyone else clean it up. Mum told me to take him out into the garden and she would deal with it. Okay! It doesn't gross me out as it just looks like beeble soup, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Oh, Mia's checkup, so the vet could say he wasn't sure, was £71.
She#s had antibiotics, a stick up her bum and a course of tablets. She goes back on Thursday for blood tests (no doubt another £70+)
So some bland chicken breakfasts for Diz are cheap by comparison.
I will strangulate him if it turns out to be the food though. We're halfway through a 4kg bag, with another to go.

Which reminds me - had a very grummpy old giffer deliver my latest zooplus order.
"What have you got in here? Weighs a ton!" he gasped as he dragged the box down the path.
"Oh that's my new anvil" I quipped.
He wasn't amused.

Perhaps because Mum appeared and told him off for knocking on the glass door instead of ringing the bell. Everyone makes that mistake because it's covered with tape. This embarasses Mum, so she takes it out on aging delivery men who have just dragged 30 litres of cat litter down the path
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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