Thread: Weird News
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Old 04-07-2012, 09:28 AM   #15
King Of Wishful Thinking
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The Maryland Department of Natural Resources Inland Fisheries (DNR) is hoping so and is offering $200 gift cards through Bass Pro Shops to residents who capture and kill a snakehead, an invasive species from Africa that is upsetting the natural order of the local ecosystem.
One photo uploaded on Thursday by recreational angler Berry shows him with seven dead snakehead. He says he had to shoot them with a gun. Berry wrote that the snakehead have been noticeably devastating the local bass population. "The snakehead are simply taking over the spawning grounds," he wrote.
Wow. That's one tough fish. Were they introduced for food or as 'pets'? How do they taste?

It does sound like a real 'sporting' fish though. I'd probably use a baseball bat instead of a gun though.

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