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Old 04-25-2012, 02:52 PM   #1553
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 13,002
omg you're all really being pathetic. Peasants with pitchforks.

I could name 3 or 4 assholes I'd like to see banned RF Yesterday but I'm not pounding my desk demanding it.

Get over yourselves. Let the mods do their jobs.

I know I come off as a big JBK sympathizer...but it's this: he HAS tried to contribute. He admits to schizophrenia. He admits to being out of it as far as social convention.

Ban or not? I don't know. He's at least given us more than a bunch of videos with no commentary (oh, but if we go back a few hundred posts OH LOOK he said something HERE) and he hasn't smoothed everything over with "I LOVE to read you clever witty people please please please don't ban me" (and this is PROOF he reads us, really) but he has written poems and shown us his artwork and yes, pissed people off.

Meh. Mountains out of molehills and having to be 'right'. JFC.

And frankly, Ibs is going to need a much thicker skin in the coming years, don't you think? He's not going to be able to 'ban' everyone he's going to run into who says stupid shit.

So many of us espouse 'teaching' and 'learning' and 'understanding' but it seems to only extend to what is PC at the moment.

JBK, apologize for your one dumbass comment. Learn from it.

Can we move on now? Or are we storming the moat?
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