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Old 02-20-2004, 02:48 PM   #84
Management Consultant
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 165
Originally posted by wolf
Stacey, it sounds like you have a lot more going on emotionally than just issues related to the marriage.
And therein lies the crux. She came asking for advice regarding her relationship. The problem is that you simply can't be in a healthy/trusting/lasting relationship until you're settled within yourself. So no matter what advice she received regarding the marriage, it's all a moot point until she can fix her internal issues.

Healthy in, healthy out.

Oh, and I wish you luck with insurance in regards to therapy. They all preach about their great coverage, but when tested you'll find they only cover a few visits, normally enough to get you through a month or two, and then *poof* that's all until next year. To really get anything out of therapy you need to go for a solid chunk of time. So if you really want help you'll probably have to spend out of pocket.
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