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Old 05-19-2012, 06:14 PM   #302
Master Dwellar
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 4,197
i know some of y'all out there in cellarland know how to change your own oil in your vehicle. but for those who don't and think they might wanna try? here's a step by step for them. the riggamaroo is basically the same for all cars/trucks. locate the drain plug on the oil pan (the lowest point on the pan has the bolt (see pics). anyway, it can be a messy job so make sure you have a catch pan for the used oil. you can buy them at any auto parts store or even at wal-mart. when done take the used oil back to the auto parts store for recycling. i didn't show every step here, my fault, but i showed how to do the under body work. i feel confident that you can figure out what hole to pour the new oil in. just make sure you know how much oil to pour in. cars/trucks take different amounts. depends on the engine size. read your owners manual.
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