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Old 02-21-2004, 10:06 PM   #95
Lady Sidhe
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it....
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hammond, La.
Posts: 978
Originally posted by staceyv
nekee, i'm 27. i had a five year relationship with my ex-husband starting at age 15. then i had a 2 1/2 yr relationship and broken engagement with a guy i dated from age 21. my ex-husband cheated on me, verbally abused me and stole my money, ruined my credit, threw hot water on my cat, and locked it in the closet one day. psycho, alcoholic asshole. the other guy was jealous, controlling, and very needy. he was also addicted to porno, wacking off, cocaine, ecstacy... i've had 3 or 4 six month relationships, too. arsen has treated me better than any guy i ever dated, and i've had quite a few boyfriends that treated me well, but didn't last long, because i wasn't ready for a relationship with them. i've done a lot of work on myself since the last dysfunctional relationship i was in.

Babe, look at it this way...people will only treat you as well as you let them know, verbally or nonverbally, that you expect to be treated. Relationship problems can always--well, usually--be fixed, as long as both parties are willing to work at it. The problem is, too many people opt for the easy way out. Relationships are never easy, and people make mistakes. It's how they deal with mistakes that makes the difference. If you two really love each other, I say work on it. Good luck to you, sweetie. My fingers are crossed for you that things turn out the way you want them to.

My free will...I never leave home without it.

Someday I want to be rich. Some people get so rich they lose all respect for humanity. That's how rich I want to be.
-Rita Rudner

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