Thread: My Family
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Old 05-28-2012, 11:53 AM   #41
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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My Great-Nephews will officially arrive on 9 July.
Currently weighing in at just under and just over 3lbs each. My sister took the morning off school to take Abs to her scan (the first one she has attended). Surprise all round here, but I uess she had to get involved at some point. Six weeks before birth is better than not at all.

Mum & Dad are taking Abigail out for lunch on Friday as she finishes school at 13.30.
Boo, hiss - we're not finishing early for half term so I miss out.
Then again, Mum says Dad is already muttering under his breath about having to buy his Grandaughter lunch, let alone his daughter freeloading!

I'll get Mum to take lunch photos - her final practice before flying out to Oz.
She needs to practice on food and faces.
They're only going to the Dairy Maid, so I think you've seen the whole menu photographed at some point or other anyway, but she needs to get it right for when she meets Ali!
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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