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Old 05-31-2012, 01:06 PM   #1
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
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Originally Posted by infinite monkey View Post
In all fairness (to me) that conversation happened in a meeting with a bigwig BEFORE the incident because I never take vacation time. I don't doubt it was more than duplicitous, in this funny little place, and I don't think for a second it was really about my welfare. More a CYA thing. Only by Y I mean T. lol

Plus, I'm all like not a thieving cheater take take take kind of person, but I wonder if I should be. 47 years of acting in the best way I know how in that realm has landed me nothing. Some have no qualms making their existence someone else's problem. I have qualms, hereto therefore I won't be a lying cheating waste of flesh. And boy do I feel tempted to just start being one.
That should have read as above. HA!

Thanks for your concerns but as I said I filed a report and it's on record and everything, if I would feel worse later. But I'm really not up for the damn x-ray crap. Leave the doc office go to hospital outpatient or maybe hospital and wait around and get contorted every which way...I've had so many different tests in the past few years (some normal tests, some not) and I really don't want to go through one more round of PIA x-rays or hear GOOD NEWS there's nothing wrong with you (the unspoken finish to that is: except you're crazy and old.)
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