Thread: 3D films
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Old 06-11-2012, 02:41 PM   #16
polaroid of perfection
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Couldn't tell you chick, never seen it. Sounds likely.

There were many built in the 60's/ 70's, on the understanding that it helped combine the needs of motorists and pedestrians *

Didn't work of course - motorists can only drive where roads are, pedestrians resent being funneled into tunnels and will simply cross through dangerous traffic insread. So the needs diverge even before you start making a "feature" of underground locations.

* Aylesbury - of Sundae fame - was used as a location for A Clockwork Orange. It being a location equally futuristic and grim. And pants. I understand Kubrick asked for the film not to be shown in his lifetime. Because of the Aylesbury shots. That's true that is.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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