Thread: Cellar Dreamin'
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Old 06-14-2012, 01:36 AM   #2
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
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This morning, between birdsong (when Diz wakes me up) and my alarm going off, I dreamed about Big Sarge. As usual with morning dreams I can pinpoint many elements and work out where they came from in my waking life.

I was at school, but I was also in an office. We were doing Art, but somehow I was a pupil rather than a TA, even though I was a fully grown woman (as you would be, working in an office!)

I was working on an advert for Chiltern Railways (our local rail company). It involved a man in a clown suit sleeping overnight in a railway station, just so he didn't miss his appointment in London the next day. Except it later changed to him getting a ridiculously early train and then falling asleep on it because the seats were so comfortable, and shuttling back & forth and missinh his interview anyway. It was all about how people perceive trains as unreliable but in fact they're so good you will miss your interview anyway (!)

Sarge called me on my office phone/ my mobile.
It was a video phone/ Skype.
He was cooking. Now I knew Sarge always cooked in high heels. Not a gender/ trans*/ cross-dressing thing, he just liked the added height and tilt when cooking. But because he was in the corner of the room where everyone could see, I felt a little awkward. I'd always seen it as it was - a quirk, his decision. But other people might judge. Especially if the children in the class mentioned it to their parents.

But the good thing was he was really there.
He asked me for a kiss goodbye.
I felt unsure; taking a personal call in Art class is one thing, letting someone wander into the office when you are working and then having a snog is another. But as it turned out it was a chaste married-style peck on the lips. Afterwards I felt bad - I mean he lives in another country, surely I could have gone for it - would I ever get the chance to see him again?
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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