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Old 06-17-2012, 07:51 AM   #91
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
That's what they said about the smoking ban here: it's not going to stop anyone smoking, it's just going to create little "smoking sections" on the corner of every downtown street away from the bar doors, this is the land of the free goddammit, it just means people are going to smoke more in their cars and homes around their children, etc. etc. etc.

But none of it happened. Instead what happened is the power of inconvenience took over, lazy asthmatic fucks didn't want to walk 20 feet outside the bar to smoke, and the local "quit smoking" program announced that its clientele increased five-fold. By now thousands of people in this city have quit entirely because it was made a little more inconvenient to smoke. And thousands (tens of thousands, in New York) will consume less sugar and calories once it becomes inconvenient to carry two sodas.
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