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Old 06-22-2012, 05:34 PM   #865
The Un-Tuckian
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: South Central...KY that is
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What's mildly amusing me today?

I was checking out a Wiki article about groins. No, not yours and mine, these groins (groynes in England) are used to help control shore erosion.

However, w/my juvenile mind in, uh, ahem, high gear, so to speak, I was breaking up reading this article.

Picking and choosing phrases gives us these gems:

A groyne (groin in the United States) is a rigid hydraulic structure...
All of a groyne may be under water, in which case it is a submerged groyne.
Name:  Submerged Groin.jpg
Views: 292
Size:  75.8 KB

Groynes are generally made of wood, concrete, or rock...
A groyne's length and elevation,...
Groynes that are too long or too high...
Groynes that are too short, too low, or too permeable...
Flanking may occur if a groyne does not extend far enough...
...groynes are often constructed...with a root...and a head.
Groynes can be distinguished by how they are constructed...
Groynes can be attracting,...or repelling.
Attracting groynes point downstream...
Repelling groynes point upstream...
Groynes can be built with different...shapes. Examples are straight groynes, T head, L head, hockey stick, inverted hockey stick groynes, straight groynes with pier head,...and tail groynes.
What shape is your groin? And, how permeable is it?


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