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Old 02-23-2004, 04:57 PM   #39
"I may not always be perfect, but I'm always me."
Join Date: Dec 2001
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Originally posted by Elspode
I also forgot to point out that Freedom of Speech doesn't apply to privately held entities...the owner can choose to allow whatever content suits him or her. Similarly, those who object to such moderation are free to a) start their own board, b) find another or c) quit being online altogether. How much freedom do you want? Shit, UT even offered to sell The Cellar in order for someone to continue to allow *their* conscience, or lack thereof, to rule the day.

I've been on boards where absolutely anything goes, no matter how harsh. They all end up turning into cesspools filled with tiny little minds calling each other names, making ongoing ad hominem attacks, and completely stifling any real discussion. Juvenile tripe.
I have to agree. When things tend to get "too free", then it ends up being abused by some and the tone of the board tends to change, and in most cases, not for the better. No one is saying that we all have to be "friends" or be sickingly sweet to one another, but how hard is it to be civil?

It boils down to good manners. I'm not perfect at that, but at least I try, and most of my posts are not overly cutting, even when I'm at my most cynical. I think some people have no other form of expression, and that sucks, especially when it is fairly clear that said people obviously have an intellectual capacity to show some reasonable restraint, and instead choose to spew bile and venom, or to project superior attitudes and be utterly condescending.
Well put. Quite honestly, when it comes to people being nasty online, I tend to be highly suspect of their motives, and I try not to sink to their level.

Ick. Give me moderation any day over that crap.
Amen to that.

To Tony, for the record, I think you are doing a great job running this board. I'm an advocate of the administrators of message boards having the final word on how their boards shall be run. I've learned this during the 6 or so years that I have been online, and now I co-admin. a board of my own. I let it be known that uncivil conversation is not allowed...period, end of story. There is always a way to say things to people without being an asshat about it. If someone doesn't like that, then oh well, get your own board and make your own rules.

As far as what you are doing now, hey, everyone has the right to change their minds about things.
"Freedom is not given. It is our right at birth. But there are some moments when it must be taken." ~Tagline from the movie "Amistad"~

"The Akan concept of Sankofa: In order to move forward we first have to take a step back. In other words, before we can be prepared for the future, we must comprehend the past." From "We Did It, They Hid It"
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