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Old 06-26-2012, 12:52 PM   #110
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Ok, though I'll explain: there is a good deal of medical evidence to suggest that gender is less simple that we have previously considered. Quite aside from those people who are born physically male but 'feel' female. There are all sorts of variations on the theme. Differences in hormonal makeup for instance. Sexuality and sexual orientation are extroardinarily complex pyschologically. It is a fundamental part of every person's identity, it is a fundamental part of everybody's psychological and physical development.

The colour of one's skin is pretty much set from birth. The only psycholotgical impact of skin colour is where it places you in the world. Skin colour does not bring with it an ever shifting, ever developing hormonal stew. Skin colour and 'race' do not show any differences in brain structure or function.

Differences in gender and in psychosexual development are also, in many (maybe even most) cases refletced in differences within the brain structure or function, or within the hormonal make up.

Why that angered me and got under my skin?

You were using Reductio ad absurdum to argue that a born male who self-identifies as female has no right to expect the world or any people in it to respect that.

Nice work Infi. Colour me impressed. What's your next trick?

Yes, maybe I am cruel. In this thread right now, I am being cruel. To someone I really like and care for. because in my absolute honest opinion you are being an out and out bitch. And that grates...because I know you arent one.
There's only so much punishment a man can take in pursuit of punani. - Sundae
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