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Old 06-28-2012, 12:42 PM   #2
Goon Squad Leader
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My groove is scorched by Rush Limbaugh, Mitt Romney, et all.

Listening to the lies fall from their lips makes me sick and angry. I'm all for free speech, yup, even lying. But I believe it's wrong to try to persuade by being so... enthusiastically and hyperbolically misleading. From Rush today: "... the biggest tax increase in the history of the world! .... (moments later) .... and the tax will be paid to insurance companies!" It's not a tax increase. And if it is a tax increase, taxes are not paid to private companies. I have heard a couple hours of this kind of fearmongering and lying. The maddening part is that lots of people are moved by this shit. A couple more examples:

"The Supreme Court has affirmed the limitless power of the federal government today."

"Obamacare is not about improving heathcare, it's about the limitless expansion of the federal government and the behavioral control of the American people."

"The American people know they're not going to be able to keep their doctor. It won't be long until the only place you can go for health care is the government."

"The court has now said it is constitutional for a tax on more than one child."

"Many more than 20 million people will lose their healthcare."

I can't stand this shit.

Mitt Romney's no better. I listened to his response to he made regarding the decision from the Supreme Court. In this case I have the transcript and I take issue with many of the things he said.

Originally Posted by Mitt Romney
“As you might imagine I disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision, and I agree with the dissent, what the court did not do on its last day in session, I will do on my first day if elected President of t he United States, and that is I will act to repel Obama Care. Lets be clear about what the court did and did not do. The court said that Obama care does not violate the Constitution. What they did not do was say Obama-care was a good law or its good policy, Obama care is bad policy yesterday, its bad policy today.

Obama care was bad law yesterday, it’s bad law today. Let me tell why I said that, Obama care raises taxes on the American people by approximately 500 billion dollars, Obamacare cuts medicare, cuts medicare by approximately 500 billion dollars and even with those cuts and tax increases, Obama care raises billions to our national debt and pushes obligation the oncoming generations. Obamacare also means for up to 20 million Americans they will lose the insurance they currently have, the insurance that they like and want to keep.

Obamacare is a job killer, businesses across the country have been asked what they think of Obama care, 3 quarters of those survived [surveyed, -- bigv] by the chamber of commerce said Obamacare makes it less likely for them to hire people. And perhaps most troubling of all, Obamacare puts you between the Federal government and your doctor. For all those reasons its important for us to repeal and replace Obamacare. What are some of the things we will keep in place? And must be in place for a reform, a real reform of the healthcare system. One we have to make sure people who want to keep their current insurance will be able to do so. Having 20 million people, up to that number of people, lose the insurance they want is simply unacceptable.

Number two, we’ve got to make sure that those people who have preexisting conditions know that they will be able to be insured. And they will not lose their insurance. We also have to assure that we do our very best to help each state in their efforts to assure that every American has access to affordable health care. And something that Obamacare does not do that must be done in real reform is helping lower the cost of health care and health insurance. It’s becoming prohibitively expensive.

And so this is now a time for the American people to make a choice. You can choose whether you want to have a larger and larger government more and more intrusive in your life. Separating you and your doctor. Whether you’re comfortable with more deficits. Higher debt that will be passed onto the coming generations. Whether you’re willing to have the government put in place a plan that potentially causes you to lose the insurance that you like.

Or whether instead you want to return to a time when the American people will have their own choice in health care. Where consumers will be able to make their choices as to what kind of health insurance they want. This is a time of choice for the American people. Our mission is clear. If we want to get rid of Obamacare, we’re going to have to replace President Obama.

My mission is to make sure that we do exactly that. That we return to the American people the privilege they’ve always had that lived their lives that they feel most appropriate. Where we don’t pass onto coming generations massive deficits and debt. Where we don’t have a setting where jobs are lost.

If we want good jobs and bright economic future for ourselves and for our kids, we must replace Obamacare. That is my mission. That is our work. And I’m asking the people of America to join me. If you don’t want the course that President Obama has put us on, if you want instead a course that the founders envisioned, then join me in this effort. Help us. Help us defeat Obamacare. Help us defeat the liberal agenda that makes government too big, too intrusive and is killing jobs across this country. Thank you very much.”
I'd like someone to please explain the grain of truth at the center of these Faux pearls of wisdom, please.
Originally Posted by Romney
Obamacare also means for up to 20 million Americans they will lose the insurance they currently have, the insurance that they like and want to keep.
most troubling of all, Obamacare puts you between the Federal government and your doctor.

Number two, we’ve got to make sure that those people who have preexisting conditions know that they will be able to be insured. And they will not lose their insurance. We also have to assure that we do our very best to help each state in their efforts to assure that every American has access to affordable health care.
um... what? what was number one again? And why did you switch scripts to the one that supports the law "those with preexisting conditions should be able to get insurance"? "Assure every american has access to health insurance" ??

Romney makes a standard pitch "you have a choice, this or that. Him or me". I have two problems with this kind of appeal. One, misrepresenting the position of one's opponent is an almost inescapable peril. Second, I can't remember any of these hypothetical propositions that was truly this OR that, exclusively. It produces the opposite of the desired effect in me, it makes this kind of appeal sound like a lie.

Romney does it here like this:

...the American people to make a choice. You can choose

a larger and larger government
more and more intrusive in your life.
Separation of you and your doctor.
more deficits.
Higher debt
a plan that potentially causes you to lose the insurance that you like.


the American people will have their own choice in health care.
consumers able to make choices re health insurance
Come on. Even Romney can't believe this shit.

Originally Posted by Romney
If you don’t want the course that President Obama has put us on, if you want instead a course that the founders envisioned
... seriously? The founders wanted to repeal Obamacare?

It makes me ILL.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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