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Old 07-12-2012, 11:27 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla View Post
With guns in your house, you don't have to fear genocides. Without them, you do.

Inquire of the Swiss, if you don't credit the Americans.
Are you implying that the Swiss citizenry are so well armed because they fear genocide? Wrong again, UG.

Switzerland is a small country and wishes to preserve its neutrality above all else. To this end, every healthy male in Switzerland between the ages of 18 and 60 is an on-call member of the Swiss army. They go in for a month or two of rigorous training every 2 years or so. The Swiss keep their military issued weapons in their homes in case of a sudden emergency like an attempted invasion or something.

This saved the Swiss from Hitler during WWII. That and the fact that Hitler needed the rail lines between Germany and fascist Italy to remain open without threat of sabotauge. Those rails just so happened to run through the Swiss Alps.

And anyhow, if someone invaded Switzerland with genocide in mind, that person would have to hate just about everyone since Switzerland is divided into 4 regions - French speaking, German, Italian, and the quaint Romanch Swiss who speak a dialect more like Latin then anyone else.

As usual your paranoid hysteria overcomes all reason in your posts.
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