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Old 07-14-2012, 01:28 PM   #6
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Now, are we talking potato skins?
Or baked potatoes (what we call jacket potatoes here - whole large potatoes baked in the oven and eaten split open with toppings in the middle)?

For me the best jacket potato came from Croques in leicester. They were properly baked until the skins were crisp and filled with (proper spicy) chilli, grated cheese and sour cream. They were too expensive to have other than a payday treat, and too filling to eat if you'd already had breakfast - three meals in one!

Classic make-myself would be baked beans - on first! - and grated cheese.
Anyone who puts the cheese on first is a heathen.
I have very strict views on potato toppins. Cheese and coleslaw for example sends you to Tartarus.

Baked potato skins.... well. They're usually a mite greasy.
Too filling for a starter or a side, too samey for a main.
But hey, if you're cooking then I'm eating. Cheese & bacon is fine, thanks.
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