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Old 07-18-2012, 10:51 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: "the high up north"
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I've been rewatching The West Wing again this week, and (having seen these photos somewhere on the interwebz already) immediately thought of these pics, when this scene came up. Funny coincidence that you'd post them here now!
Originally Posted by The West Wing, Season 1, Episode 5, The Crackpots and These Women
MAN 2: May we tell you what we propose?
C.J.: Sure.
MAN: The wolves-only roadway.
C.J.: [surprised] The wolves-only roadway?
MAN: Eighteen hundred miles from Yellowstone to the Yukon Territory complete with highway overpasses and no cattle grazing.
C.J.: [still surprised] An 1800-mile wolves-only roadway?
WOMAN: Pluie, you’ll recall, had to...
C.J.: Hang on. How are you gonna teach wolves to follow road signs?
MAN 2: Our scientists are working on a plan.
C.J.: Yeah, but in the meantime, Pluie’s gonna get drunk and wander off the wolves-only road and end up eating my cat.
MAN 1: [scoffs] We don’t think that’ll happen.
C.J.: I don’t think this is gonna happen. [indicating the roadway]
JERRY: Perhaps, if we should...
C.J.: First of all, ranchers don’t want wolves returned to the West.
MAN: Ranchers are killers.
C.J.: No, they’re not. And anyone who says it should take it back. Ranchers face the following conditions: falling stock prices, rising taxes, prolonged drought, and a country that’s eating less beef. Ranchers want to blame something, and because they’re ranchers, they want to fight something. I’d rather be a wolf than us, so unless Pluie registers to vote...
WOMAN: Pluie was shot and killed by a rancher in British Columbia last month.
The two men and the woman bow down their heads.
C.J.: I’m... sorry to hear that.
WOMAN: I’m not sure you are.
C.J.: [throat clearing] Just out of curiosity, how much would it cost?
MAN: That’s the beauty part. With contributions and corporate sponsorship, the cost to the taxpayer is only 900 million dollars.
C.J.: [laughs very hard] No, seriously, how much would it cost?
JERRY: C.J., if we’re gonna do this, why not do it right?
C.J.: We’re not gonna do it.
MAN: Sure, there are other things we could spend the money on.
C.J.: You think?
WOMAN: I’d like to hear what you think. What’s a better way to spend this money?
C.J.: Nine hundred million dollars?
WOMAN: Another war plane, another S&L Bailout?
C.J.: How about we build the nine best schools in the world?
MAN: Let’s... Let’s move on to the grizzly bear.
not really back, you didn't see me, i was never here shhhhhh
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