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Old 07-28-2012, 06:32 AM   #3151
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
We saw a snake yesterday.
A real, live, outside-captivity snake!

I was so excited.
First ever in my lifetime.
It just snaked its way across the hot path in front of us (concrete walk in otherwise open fields by a river).

I was out with Mum - who is terrified of snakes. They repulse her. She cannot even look at a picture of one in a book. She didn't read or watch most of the Harry Potter franchise because of this. I think she tried the first film and retired when she saw a trailer for the second.

So instead of grabbing my camera and charging after it I stood still and hugged her. I feel good about that. I also didn't mention it again, even though my whole brain was singing snake! snake! snake! and my whole body was humming along.

I know this will sound so silly to people who live in countries chockful of snakes, but it's a really extraordinary occurrence for me - like seeing a "falling star" (twice in 40 years).


ETA it was a grass snake, one of only three indiginous snakes in this country and non-venomous.
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