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Old 08-09-2012, 07:22 AM   #875
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 20,012
Oh, you mean every freshman nationwide using the same title, so economies of scale come into play? That kind of happens already. The Texas education agency determines a small set of acceptable textbooks, sometimes only one in a topic. Because they represent such a huge market of buyers, they often literally get to dictate what goes in the books, because the publishers want to keep them happy. Then, after Texas goes through its major selection and editing process, many if not most smaller states are essentially forced to use the same books, either because their states aren't willing to spend the money examining the options, and figure that Texas must have done a good enough job at it already, or because it's the only book being published that year, thanks to Texas' buying power. It's been said that Texas and California choose the textbooks for the whole nation.
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