Thread: You RFN, 2012
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Old 08-18-2012, 05:12 PM   #754
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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Thanks Dana.

Those dogs love that boy so much. He spends a lot of his play time with them..and in his little kid way, he's not very nice to them at times. He does things like picks Sally up and puts her in the water bucket because he thinks she needs a bath - which is usually true, but a bucket of cold water on a cool morning is probably not desirable. If the dogs are lying next to the garden, he'll run his trucks over them or shovel dirt on them (then of course give them a bath). Sometimes he sits on Cleo and bounces up and down till she gets sick of it and stands up.

Mostly they just tag along after him and make themselves comfy somewhere within a couple of metres of where he's playing though. He's well and truly one of the pack as far as they're concerned, and they indulge him just as they would a pup. It's just lovely to see.
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