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Old 08-22-2012, 05:19 AM   #421
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Off to Waitrose to browse exotic and strange and lovely things.
I wanted the edible flowers for my salad days, but aside from eating them on the bus I acknowledged they were't really appropriate.

Got the ingredients for my fish stew - yay!
Also talked Mum into buying some blinis so next time the girls come round she can have them as canapes. I think they sell them in Sainsbury's, but you can never guarantee items will be in stock there. Anyway they were on special offer and freeze well. She also got some uncooked prawns for the Gambas Pil Pil recipe her SIL gave her.

And then she had to dash off to the toilet, leaving me with her card!
Well, I was good. I did buy some ribs, but that's for the Sunday dinner I'm cooking for Dad & Stevo while she's away house-sitting, so it's not like I bought hard liquor and drank it in the bathroom or something. Ribs is in freezer awaiting September.

I went through the self-checkout and the lady monitoring it sidled up to me and told me my hair had brightened up her day. Which pleased me no end. Except I was a bit paranoid that she was checking out the name on the card and the fact I have no wedding ring on. Ridiculous - my own card has Mrs on it and I've never been asked about my lack of ring!

An old lady on Thame market complimented my hair too. VERY well to do, tweed skirt & pearls. She didn't look me in the eye and disappeared into the crowd immediately, as if she'd been passing underground information. It was great.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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