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Old 08-23-2012, 06:59 PM   #8205
Operations Operative
Join Date: Feb 2004
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Posts: 578

I will start with fuck cancer. Learned today, shortly after the rents learned, that my dad's best friend for his whole entire life has cancer. Terminal. He will do chemo so to make him more comfortable. I know my dad and if he were in that situation I would have to be the kevorkian he counted on.

I'd rather absorb all the pain on earth than see my loved ones feeling it. This is not possible.

Meanwhile I keep thinking of growing up with this man, and his people, in our lives. Such a funny man, such a quietly sweet man. When he laughed, which was a lot with this crew, his eyes laughed.

So I raised a glass or two or 8 for a man who is almost an uncle, for his kids who are like cousins, only long since having gone to live their lives.

I hate this shit.
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