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Old 08-29-2012, 06:56 PM   #16
Lola Bunny
Junior Master Dwellar
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2,728
MTP, listen to all us old folks, you really should go to a doctor and get the problem checked out. In the meantime, feel like trying an old Vietnamese unproven home remedy? When you are menustrating, avoid all citric food and water. Don't eat or drink oranges, pineapple, lemon, etc. Anything that is sour, don't drink or eat it either. You should even avoid drinking vitamin C. Why, you ask? Someone told me consuming citric (sour) stuffs while on it makes you pee in your Shrug. Worked for me. I had that problem once in my early 30's. Was bad cuz I was taking marital arts then and there was alot of jumping and kicking. I avoided sour stuffs and zip, my problem was gone. But hey, that was just me. You probably need to see a doc. Doesn't hurt to trying something before being looked at, right? Especially when you don't have to consume weird stuffs.
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