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Old 08-30-2012, 07:16 PM   #2235
Bitchy Little Brat
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Queensland, Australia
Posts: 5,067
The boys do love the beach. There's soldier crabs, things moving in the wind, trees and the biggest kitty litter tray they have ever seen.

Its a funny (but awesome) cat neighbourhood here.

We have Casper (boy) next door, my 3 boys - Max, Frank and Jinx; Hudson, Harvey & Hamish across the road, and Skitzo (entire boy) down a few doors.

Hamish, Skitzo, Max and Frank are the same age and they go across to the vacant block and hang out together. They chase each other up the palm trees and chase geckos in the grass. Hoodlums they are.

Skitzo and my two come down the beach nearly every day when I walk Jackson or the kids go down to play in the bush. Frank quite likes water and will stand beside my feet when I am in the lapping waves fishing and all three will nearly hop in the fish bucket.

Jinx, Hudson and Casper are all older cats. Jinx hangs out next door all the time, inside, in their garden, on the couch and Casper lived over here for 2 weeks recently. Hudson is a grumpy, grumpy old boy....likes food and people, and food! Not other cats, but he, Casper and Jinx will sleep under the same car or in the garden near each other.

They will all gang up on the rogue males that come around. There was a huge fight in my shed two nights ago and it was my two little boys and Casper taking on this big Calico. Hudson came bolting across the road and they all chased this other cat away.

Pico - we have some terrible issues lately. Cats getting trapped and people stealing dogs for fighting (which is a big concern for me with Jackson being such a big strong boy). All our garages have the roller door up a little so the cats can duck in if they are in trouble and we all lock our cats in at night...but during the day they are all free range in this little area.
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