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Old 08-31-2012, 05:16 PM   #133
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by BigV View Post
What the heck are you talking about? I read ahead and this little detour into a different fantasy and it doesn't connect with your original claim about that ...

I'm just tired of trying to understand your logic. There's so much noise and so little signal..."forced extramarital liasons" um... is that code for illegitimate rape? Come on man. Talk english, it aren't that hard.
Why so many denials only from your emotions. And not one fact based in any research. Facts were posted. And again your denials. Well UG is famous for knowing something is wrong because he also feels. Where is your knowledge from science? Nothing but a long post of cheapshot denials - without even one fact.

Summarized were studies that demonstrated, in people and animals, when a female becomes more likely to conceive. Research that contradicts Akins. Even posted were phrases directly from those studies (ie "copulatory ambushes"). So you post cheapshot denials because phrases used in science are foreign? You were suppose to know this stuff BEFORE making conclusions.

If your knowledge is from science, then you knew "forced extramarital liaisons" is an expression found in science. Denying science without even learning the phrases is your emotions saying, well ...

I guess we need a new UG. Since your every denial comes without and facts. You even get angry at phrases used by researchers.

Facts from many studies throughout the world contradict Akins. Females are more likely to conceive during an event of high emotion such as rape or infidelity. So instead, you get angry at the English used by researchers. Resistance is futile. You must do better to dethrone UG.

Fact: women are somewhat more likely to conceive during these events. A fact that has so many Darwinist researchers asking why that is relevant. Fact: animal studies demonstrate higher male fertility rates during "copulatory ambushes" (I believe that conclusion was published by multiple studies about 2001.) Fact: women tend to be more pernicious when they are more likely to conceive. (I believe that study was in a Western US university involving maybe 50 women - 30 who had steady boyfriends - somewhere around 2007.)

After how many posts, where do you cite even one science fact? You have yet to support your emotions with one study. Like UG, you posted plenty of cheapshot denials. And a few personal insults. But then I also expect that from UG. Should we conclude you agree with Akins? Based upon your posted facts, that is a real possibility. Are you really a closet Akins supporter? I would have never guessed.

I bet his campaign posters are now collector's items. Can't wait to see you on PBS's Antique Roadshow.
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