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Old 09-01-2012, 08:35 AM   #1044
infinite monkey
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Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
I've been complaining about how kids are rude lately. Mainly just because they don't use please and thankyou anywhere nearly often enough.

If I offer something to the kids that visit our house, I expect them to say either yes please or no thanks (if they can't manage no thankyou). If they don't, I definitely stand there and look at them till they either realise their lapse or start looking back at me like I've gone slightly soft in the head. Usually at that point, one of my boys will just tell them to use their manners.

The thing that shits me most are the teenagers in customer service type rolls though. Most of them seem to have no clue, and don't intend to ever get one.

At least I now know who to blame for this all pervasive passivity to manners.

The bloody yanks again!
I'm impressed at the manners of most of the kids in the service industry around here. I usually have a joke or a quick chat with them. Some of them are completely clueless, but not rude, and they make me smile.

But I've always enjoyed that polite friendly exchange. It makes me feel good. Maybe I'm just approachable like that: not coming at them with a scowl and a 'ready to be ruded to' attitude. Or maybe yank kids are just less rude?

I really love when I pull up to a drive thru and some teenage girl says "I love your car!" I tell them it's my mid-life crisis, like they know what that is.
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