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Old 09-01-2012, 12:49 PM   #886
The Un-Tuckian
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Happy Bacon Day e'erbody!!

International Bacon Day

International Bacon Day or Bacon Day is an unofficial observance held on the Saturday before Labor Day in the United States. (Labor Day is traditionally the first Monday of September).

Bacon day celebrations typically include social gatherings during which participants create and consume dishes containing bacon, including bacon-themed breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and drinks.

Bacon Day was conceived in Bedford, Massachusetts in 2000 by the residents of the Crag, and was supplemented in 2004 by a group of CU Boulder (Colorado) graduate students. Bacon Day in Manchester UK is celebrated by several students on the 14th January, prior to January examinations as a distraction from revision. Bucknell students are also known for their bacon day celebrations, calling themselves "Meatheads", and gorging on as much bacon as possible.

International Bacon Day has now spread to Canada. The annual celebration is held on the second Saturday of each June. The record for the number of different bacon dishes belongs to Thomas Green, of Ottawa, Ontario. The record was set on June 16, 2012, and totalled 12 bacon dishes (candied bacon, maple bacon and chevre points, bacon screwdrivers jell-o style, bacon vodka gazpacho, chili bacon vodka, pork stuffed with bacon, apple and sage, bacon donuts, chocolate bacon brownies, banana bacon cookies, bacon martini, bacon burger sliders and bacon and egg sliders). Ottawa's version of International Bacon Day has quadrupled in size since its inaugural year.

More recently, Bacon Day has moved back to the United States and is celebrated with strong followings in Virginia, Boston, Denver and Cincinnati, with a particularly heavy representation in Chandler, Arizona (home to the world's largest Bacon Day celebration).

Many who celebrate International Bacon Day can often be heard chanting "Bacon is a vegetable".

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