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Old 09-01-2012, 03:46 PM   #931
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
On Wednesday I tried to explain to my nephew which parties in the American elections the candidates represented. And Mormonism.

Admittedly it was a biased account.

In the end he was able to fix in his head that Obama was Democrat. Black (the dual heritage really amazed him) and Auntie C likes him.

Romney - Republican. White. Auntie C disapproves for some reasons he can't remember but had a lot to do with his sister (healthcare, support, schooling etc).

Not sure I got through entirely, but given that both the childer in that family rely on The Sun and Sky News for their political views, he probably had a more balanced account of American politics from me than he has ever had of British politics. He's been brought up working class right wing. And he knows me as a suspect bleeding heart liberal. There are certain things he knows not to say in front of me. So I might just have created a new Republican.

Meh - he can't even vote over here yet, let alone over there.

ETA watched the odd "empty chair" ramble.
Quotes because "empty chair" is employed in therapy and is known as such.
Did he walk through the wrong door?
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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