Thread: Nightmare Fuel
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Old 09-03-2012, 10:44 PM   #6
Wearing her bitch boots
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Floriduh
Posts: 1,181
Most of the stuff in this thread are just me.

But not the friggin cockroaches.

For four years, I lived in a rental house that had one gawdawful german cockroach infestation. They were everywhere, mostly living in the walls and erupted out of the electrical sockets and other openings after dark.

Landlord ignored me.

I tried traps. I tried bait. I tried foggers. I tried boric acid. I tried spraying into and around every socket opening. I tried bleach. I even painted over any (cleaned) nesting areas I found to prevent more from being attracted. We kept everything in sealed tupperware, glass and ziploc baggies.


I hired Terminix, who had a money back guarantee. They sprayed and sprayed and I missed a ton of work while they gave it a shot. No luck.

That house needed to be tented.

We finally moved out and to this day, I have PTSD whenever I see a cockroach.

No, I did NOT watch that damn video.
"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
- Mahatma Gandhi
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