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Old 09-04-2012, 07:51 AM   #440
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
We then wandered around the streets and the covered market.
One mildly amusing thing was that I saw a shop with lots of little trinkets and sparkly things and dived in. Mum stayed at the window.
I saw some rings that I thought she would might like, and as I'd been struggling to find her a birthday present I had a eureka moment and beckoned her in.

Just passing was a tall bearded chap in a red jumper.
When Mum came in the shop I was cracking up because he'd seen the movement and looked in.
I'd like to tell you he had a complete sit-com "who, me?" moment, but he didn't. Just looked puzzled and carried on walking.
It still tickled my funny bone though.
And yes, Mum loved the rings and I bought her one. Not her usual style, but we were there at the counter and she would have said if she didn't like.

About half an hour later I'd steered us into Paperchase (lovely card shop chain that I miss from Leicester and London).
I queue up to pay and who is the person at the till in front of me?
Tall bearded chap in a red jumper.

Thank goodness he wasn't also getting the Oxford to Aylesbury bus.
I might have had the police waiting for me at the bus station.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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