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Old 09-08-2012, 02:24 PM   #885
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by limey View Post
We've had disco lights fitted in the bathroom. No, seriously! They're programmable and have a "sound-to-light" setting which means that farting in the bath will never be the same again!
Damn. No time to visit this Christmas as we break up so late. I reserve the right to come fart in your bath at some time in the future. It sounds amazing. Take photos. Does this mean your bathroom is now 100% finished? It was pretty damn near when I came last time.
Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
Seriously, though? That's what she said when she saw Dizcat? What an odd response. I was blown away by how gorgeous he and Dylan were the first time I saw them. They're like the distilled essence of cat.
I seem to get that response from non-cat-lovers, so perhaps it really is the distillation. Or from people with a moral issue against pedigrees, which they are entitled to.

When I first saw my boys I was captivated, but yes I did appreciate their peculiarity. I'd done my research, but seeing them moving was an entirely different matter.

Anyway, I think I missed one of the salient points of the story before.
I went into the garden to tell Mum & Dad who had been at the door, and also tell my story. Next door neighbour also sat in the sun and I heard her doorbell go. "Don't worry" I said over the fence, "it's just Greenpeace." She's a pensioner too. But she misheard me and leapt up out of her seat. Then the satellite delay caught up and she relaxed. "I thought you said the Police for a minute!"

Which made me grin at the idea she would have gone charging to the door expecting trouble. Glad she didn't. I hadn't intended to distress her - it was only after we'd laughed about it I remembered she has a grandson in prison.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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