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Old 09-17-2012, 09:35 AM   #47
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Bottom lands of the Missoula floods
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Here is a fascinating l-o-n-g article about the reverse-engineering
of the malware known as Flame, which was designed to attack the Iranian nuclear site computers.

I won't spoil it for laymen/geeks that want to read it for themselves.
But this article is almost enough for someone to make a movie of the story
--- even though the denouement is not quite finished.

Kim Zetter
Coders Behind the Flame Malware Left Digital Clues on Control Servers

The attackers behind the nation-state espionage tool known as Flame
accidentally left behind tantalizing clues that provide information about their identity
and that suggest the attack began earlier and was more widespread than previously believed.

Researchers have also uncovered evidence that the attackers may have produced
at least three other pieces of malware or variants of Flame that are still undiscovered.

The information comes from clues the attackers inadvertently left behind
on two command-and-control servers they used to communicate with infected machines
and steal gigabytes of data from them.

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