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Old 09-19-2012, 03:02 PM   #8485
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Cookery Club today. Tiger was so happy to be there. I've volunteered to do both KS1 and KS2, so it's not just because he's signed up. Fills up two evenings a week.

Slight snag - the new "cookery area" is completely full of boxes and filing and the new oven is not fit for purpose. We've been using the one in the staffroom, which is a long walk from the classroom where we are prepping and children are not allowed inside (mostly because teachers are still working in there after school). Still, I have had said oven's failure witnessed by the two teachers running the clubs, so am confident something will be done. No-one pays for an oven they can't use. Except perhaps Jessica Simpson.

Rabbit is in the KS1 club too, which is great fun. I like all the childer in it - and I know them all well, so I know what is normal behaviour vs being upset or tired or showing off and can deal accordingly. Don't know the KS2 ones quite as well, but I am getting there. I know the sensible ones certainly.

Have been looking up no-bake/ practically no-bake (cheese straws @ 8 minutes for example with lots on one tray) recipes this evening. Sure the teachers will do their own research but as you know I really enjoy baking, so it's never going to be wasted time.

Also Tiger today said, "Cool potatoes."
As far as I know, only my brother and I say this. And I don't even remember why. So it has definitely come from me. I shouldn't feel happy infecting him with my verbal tics, but it really did make me smile. If he was using it all the time it would be different, but once in a while is... well, cool potatoes.
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