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Old 09-22-2012, 12:17 AM   #972
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 796
Oh definitely, the Republicans are in trouble: The country is in bad economic shape, and their candidate for President is a *very* successful businessman and politician.

The Democrats have it made in the shade: Their candidate never ran so much as a lemonade stand, successfully.

Romney pays a low income tax percentage - what a shocker! So does everybody else, who has a tax accountant. Romney didn't make the tax laws. Romney has a lot of money offshore - another shocker! So does everybody else with significant worldwide investments.

Is Obama somehow more virtuous because he's economically stupid?

C'mon - he was active in Chicago for years! Now his former chief of staff is the mayor of Chicago. The crime and violence is so bad in Chicago, the mayor asked the Nation of Islam to patrol the streets to help deter the killings and other violent crime.

If you want to know what "redistribution" of wealth is like, here you go:

You're a bartender on a Saturday night. You and three others, are hustling, it's a busy night. One bartender is mostly in the back room, however, chatting on his cell phone with friends.

At the end of the shift, the manager tells you to split up ALL the tips, evenly, including one-fourth to the bartender who spent most of the shift, in the back room chatting. Because although you worked for your tips, and he didn't do much of anything, it's "*fair*".

All the cute jokes and satire aside, if we took the factual lies of Obama, and strung them end to end, we'd have no problem getting back to the moon.

But you kind of expect politicians to do that. Having an "Enemies List", and having the IRS go after anyone who gets in your way ("Like Joe the Plumber"), really stinks, imo. It's like Nixon, at his worst, and very un-Presidential. I was frankly shocked that Joe was audited immediately after questioning Obama's tax plan, during his first campaign for President.
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