Thread: Please kill me
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Old 10-01-2012, 08:30 AM   #2
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Wow, I really thought people would jump at the chance. Eh, it's me, I can 'take it.'

I ran into a girl I worked with at the old college. She'd been fired some time ago (imho it was another case of not using a person for their strengths; customer service was not her strength) and now she's working in warehousing, has lost about 60 lbs, looks AWESOME and happy. She says she's virtually stress-free.

Second person I know who has expressed as much. Their stomach doesn't hurt every Sunday night. They dont have a constant wrinkled forehead or frequent muscle spasms in their shoulders. They go to work, only get yelled at if they've fucked up, and aren't expected to do the work of more than one person.

Money isn't everything, I know...but living does cost money, and all the bills and repairs and maintenance crap is mine only to bear. So how could I take a paycut?

I don't know what to do.

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