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Old 10-10-2012, 12:35 PM   #2
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I bought a few things from Harbor Freight. It's amazingly cheap. Like so cheap, you can't believe it. Just remember you get what you pay for. Their tools can be good if you only need them for a few jobs and consider them disposable, but don't expect them to last or even be that high quality to begin with.

I was doing a tiling job and instead of renting a good tile saw and feeling under pressure to return it in a day or two, I bought a cheap crappy one from Harbor Freight. I had to make my own fence from some scrap wood and clamp it to the thing with spring clamps because the fence they provided was worse than a joke. But the saw cut the tiles and was able to complete the job. I still have it, so if another job comes up, I can use it. Great price. Crappy saw.

It has its place.
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