Thread: Schizophrenia
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Old 10-15-2012, 07:02 PM   #7
Join Date: Nov 2008
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I'm doing a study at usf in which case they are taking me off of "ONE" not sure which of my meds to study the withdraw symptoms. Every time I have gone off my meds to test for myself If I have "some sort of gift" vs some delususinal problem I have ended either in the hopital or jail.. so none the less I have learned my lesson the hard way... however there are times when I can see "this persons" concerns come to light. For instance I had a "vision" once where I heard "Barck Obama" say to me "The Children" and then on the left side of my forhead I heard and felt what seemed to be a "check out counter" BLEEP. It's a fun yet scarry illness..
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