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Old 10-17-2012, 12:34 PM   #1065
infinite monkey
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Well hoo haa haaa.

Seriously, the lecture was unnecessary. I feel what I feel and I see what I see and I've already talked about it to an appropriate person so really you don't need to make me feel worse about it.

Of course there are people who maybe had a toe hair caught in their shoe and you'll get 75,000 posts of sympathy and advice and cooing sounds of lamentation, and there are people some just can't be bothered with. It's certainly up to each individual to assess their own situation and viewpoint...whether they're being silly that they just laid their heart out there and they envision, after viewing all the 28 or 29 views the thread has received without a response, people sticking their noses in the air just out of spite. Because, you know, they already have you all figured out and they know that your only problem is simply that you're a fucking bitch from hell...while they start a website to bring public attention to stuck toe hairs and take donations for the necessary medical research needed so that we can finally combat fucking stuck toe hairs.
No one, ever, had a stuck toe hair before...or maybe the public is just more aware of the toe hair problem and feel it's time to stop hiding it and deal with it.

Anyway, I heard all of what you said before, when I sought advice, only in a much kinder way (i.e. not in a 'just get over yourself' kind of way but in a show of understanding whether I deserved it or not.)

But it is also a fact that understanding isn't always so understanding.

So that post was indeed MY issue, and I dealt with it. I thank you for the reminder, though.

Now can I get on with being the funniest person on the planet? Great.
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