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Old 03-03-2004, 11:12 AM   #11
Join Date: Feb 2003
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I don't know why this is pissing me off as much as it is. I guess its the whole blog = truth thing that I've seen enough of. I mean, even without knowing any panelist's position on STR the blog truth still comes up empty.

Firstly, if the panelists were truly dismissed because of their position on stem cell research, then they wouldn't have been appointed in the first place.

Secondly, from the bios of the two missing people, it is clear that they are devout Christians who, as a rule, do not support stem cell research.

Thirdly, if they really are opposed to stem cell research and really were dismissed as a consequence of that, then that implies that the remaining 15 are opposed to it or else they, too, would have been dismissed. So from that one must further conclude that the panel was 15-2 opposed to STR before the two panelists were replaced and further conclude that 15-2 was not good enough so Bush cleaned house to get 17-0.

Sorry, not today.

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