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Old 10-22-2012, 12:35 AM   #11
tri-continental dag hag
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 247
I love it! I've been collecting plastic bottle caps for years - mainly from milk bottles and soft drink bottles, mainly from other people, mind you, and all part of my mission to find some sort of use for anything that goes into the non-recyclable rubbish bin. Later I'll tell you what I'm crocheting with the truckloads of baling twine we get from the hay bales. But I digress.

I have wanted to use the caps to make the scales of a giant fish. Originally I wanted to nail them onto something as well, but we don't have any wooden buildings on our farm. As is common in our part of Australia, our house is cement sheet clad, and the sheds are either cinder block or corrugated iron. Not many wooden houses here in general.

BUT... I have only just realised that I could nail them onto the big wooden fence posts along our boundary! Hmmmm. Now to think up a pattern that is more than just barber shop poles.

I also have thousands of metal beer bottle caps to use. Maybe I could make shiny gold poles as well? Throw some ideas at me and I will post the photos when I've done it.
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