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Old 03-04-2004, 10:14 AM   #25
still eats dirt
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 3,031
Why do so many religions have the "you shall dislike, with hate, X group of people"? And doesn't the rule that is included in those same religions "don't hurt other people, you twit" cancel out the previous? I only think of this because my own, personal set of ideals and beliefs are fashioned from the general ideas of, "Don't hurt others, don't damage other people's things, etc, etc." I didn't have to go to church to learn those basic ideals, either, and my set seems to get me by with a lot less friction and personal strife than what a lot of religions teach. Yet, when approached by anyone concerned with my "saved? status", I'm immediatly put down as an evil heathen for holding ideas so similar to their own minus the "be a dick to people different than you" rule.

Must be my beautiful looks.
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