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Old 03-04-2004, 04:58 PM   #17
Shattered Soul
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 97
Originally posted by Troubleshooter

I'm sensing a little sarcasm here. I'm not sure though.

Hence my opinion of the reliance on religion in the first place. It's silly and a waste of time, money and paper.
I take it you are an athiest, or at the least, an agnostic? And I take it you have a very long list of what you consider "weakness," and religion falls into that category? You seem to be very sure of yourself and that your beliefs are eminently logical, and therefore correct (the rest of us are just too unevolved to see it).

Seems to me that you've created a world of your own and do what it takes to prove that world's validity to everyone else. Hm. Kinda like the religious folks...

Merely because some find comfort in the belief in something greater than themselves, and use that belief to their benefit, even though religion has been the basis of wars (usually, however, instigated by the governments who saw a use for believers and believers who were zealous enough to go along with it) is no call to unilaterally deem it "silly and a waste of time..." You don't believe it, or feel it worthy of belief, well, don't believe it. Don't ascribe to it. Don't hang with people who will soil your pristinely logical mind with spirituality.
I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad...the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had....
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