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Old 11-08-2012, 10:28 AM   #5
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Bottom lands of the Missoula floods
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Rush Limbaugh was his usual self after this election,
but he did raise the question about the future of the Republican Party.

His off-the-wall remark that followed was:
What are we supposed to do about immigration
... repeal all the immigration laws ?

My belief is that if the Republican Party wants to make any inroads into the Hispanic community,
they must abandon their talking points that anything leading to citizenship is "amnesty".

An easy compromise for the Republicans could be to grant full US citizenship
for any person who was brought into the USA by their parent(s) before they were 22 years of age.
...(21 used to be the legal age of majority)

All this (crap) about having to first serve in the military or do public service
is just a artificial road block to those who are now labeled as "illegal aliens"
only because, as minors, they did what their parents required them to do.
You might think Republicans could view that was a good "family value"

If Republicans can't make such a small compromise on immigration,
they will remain what they have been for a long time,
a minority party that has to resort to race-baiting among
the whites of this country.
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