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Old 11-12-2012, 04:59 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
I think we've all been looking at this the wrong way. We've been looking at the financial meltdown and worldwide recession as a failure...but the very wealthy have increased their wealth. Maybe to them it doesn't seem like a failure.
I would imagine that the very wealthy consider it a resounding victory. According to the Center for Tax Justice, the super rich have at least $21 trillion stashed away in offshore holdings around the world. They're doing quite well, thank you very much, and they don't need any official types poking around in their affairs. Did you know that the 6 members of the Walten Family (of WalMart fame) have as much wealth as 30% of the US population?

Abd I doubt very much if people like that are so much worried about higher taxes as they are by the thought of supporting a govenment which includes watch dog agencies with those taxes. I bet when the super rich hear that quote of President Kennedy's,"Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your country," they bend over with laughter.

What's a country good for if you can't use it to further your own ends without caring what this may do to everyone else?
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