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Old 11-14-2012, 03:53 PM   #63
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Austin, TX
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Originally Posted by Cyber Wolf View Post
I've always wondered... if Texas does leave the US and become its own entity, how would they stop Mexico from invading and retaking land they once had up through 1836? Does Texas have an army? They won't be able to use the US army, oh no. They'd have to ask for assistance and then there would be 'occupation' to make sure Mexico stays where Mexico is. Or would they request we 'nation build' so they can take care of themselves, because they couldn't when they left the union in the first place?

Or would they allow the current US bases to stay and enjoy by-proxy US protection without actually being part of the country?

And I know they have oil and cattle and some farms there, but what else would their GDP be based on? Tourism? Could US citizens get in on a driver's license or would passport be needed? Would they even have open borders?
Secession is stupid, of course. But the Texas secessionists have been around a long time, and have thought all these questions through before, believe me. Texas has a healthy GDP, based largely in oil and beef, as you say, plus also a surprising piece of the tech industry. And of course Texas would have an army if they seceded--nevermind the fact that many if not most families already own multiple guns, everyone currently on a Texas military base would just change their letterhead, that's all. Unless you're imagining that Texas secedes but somehow has to hand over everything within our borders, which you may be sure they wouldn't agree to. And Mexico wouldn't invade, they'd just keep sending immigrants here at a staggering rate like they have been. More likely, Texas would offer amnesty to any Mexican willing to join this new Texas army, to fight in the inevitable civil war that breaks out when the federal government tries to take back its fighter jets.

Another fact the secessionists throw out quite regularly is that Texas is the only state with a completely independent power grid. Life wouldn't be as good, but Texas could definitely survive on its own. The biggest threat to their success would be how much Great White Flight takes place. How many liberals in Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, and Austin would flee to a northern state? Depends mostly on whether the feds let Texas go quietly or not. I honestly think most people wouldn't uproot their lives, unless they were being drafted for a bloody civil war.
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