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Old 11-20-2012, 04:04 PM   #1
Adapt and Survive
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Ann Arbor, Mi
Posts: 957
CCD vs CMOS for digital cameras

I'm keeping a sharp eye out for a digital camera with a big zoom in this discounting season. I'm looking to be taking pictures indoors, at high mag, swim meets and hockey games.
We had a Kodak with a 10X zoom that took decent enough pictures, more zoom always going to be useful, but build quality was crap and it died.

We bought a small cheap Nikon with 5X zoom as a carry about, but I find indoors the magnification is OK but light senistivty is poor so images are unreasonably grainy. I think even 5X zoom would be OK if the images were clear and sharp.

So I have been researching options and i think the conclusion is that CCD chips give nice high res pictures, but don't do well in lower light, I'm going need CMOS for the higher ISO low light shots I want to get.

I also see that cameras below about $200 are CCD and above are CMOS so that indicates that CMOS are better.

I'm not going to spend $$$ on a DSLR, ideally I'm looking for sub $200 with a CMOS chip and 10+ zoom.

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