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Old 03-05-2004, 11:30 AM   #1
Radical Centrist
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Cottage of Prussia
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3/5/2004: Long-nosed chimaera

Lurker geodog (hah! you're outed, sir) sent this along, and then petecart followed it up with a page full of similar images, which I won't reveal only because you'll enjoy it more spat out at you piece by piece. This is described as a "long-nosed chimaera".

What a chimaera is, exactly, is not explained. The picture doesn't really help.

And it makes you think - what the hell were all those scientists thinking, when they gave names to various things? Googling around, one web site says "chimaera" is an ancient Chinese MYTHICAL creature, made up of one part lion, one part goat, and one part serpent.

Now if only to sidebar further, why did people of ancient times have to come up with weird combo creatures? A plain old lion is frightening enough. I don't think it gets worse if you mix in a goat. "Oh my God, a LION! But he's got weird square eyes..."

So did they name this beast "chimaera" out of some mythological guide, or is it in an AD&D manual somewhere? In any case, this is the first in a series of items from the deep deep ocean, where it turns out there are a whole bunch of the most eerie, frightening living things we've ever known.

And happy Friday. Buhahahaha!
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